Teradek Wireless Video Rental
Tereadek Bolt Pro systems are the top choice for familiar operation and the ability to multi-cast from the camera to Video Village, 1st AC for focus, and for a Director's monitor
Choose a model with features and a range that meets your rental budget -
Teradek Bolt 3000, Teradek Bolt 1000, Teradek Bolt 500XT
low cost Teradek Bolt Pro 300 Gen2
available Director's monitor cage with SmallHD 703 or 702 and any Teradek receiver

with QR mounts, P-taps, bncs
Teradek Sidekick II
Sidekick $90 per day
Teradek Bolt Pro 300
lowest cost - $70 per day
also available Wooden Camera cages for Director's monitor with wireless